Iron Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Empowerment through Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

One Week Free Trial

Still not sure that Jiu Jitsu is for you? We offer everyone a free trial week to make sure that we are the right place for you!

Winter Self Defense Camp

Iron Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Self defense classes for women. This program comes to Colorado Springs through the Elizabeth Smart Foundation. All instructors are Smart Defense certified and ready to provide trauma-informed instruction to survivors of sexual assault and other members of the female population.

Register Now!


Homeschool Classes

For all our homeschool families out there, we are currently offering Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes just for your little ones Thursdays at 2pm.

The first 5 families will receive 50% off class passes!

Register Now!


Iron Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Exciting news! We have split into two age groups as Ninja Kids and Samurai Kids

Learn More

Your Journey Starts Today – If you’re looking to flip your fitness routine upside down, look no further. At Iron Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, we believe that anyone is capable of success. The art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is not just amazing for the body, but it cultivates the mind too. Iron Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu’s Jiu Jitsu program will help you master self-defense, while also instilling a lifelong sense of confidence and empowerment. Get started today!

We are Iron Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. We have a commitment to our students’ growth, development, performance, and happiness. We’d love to have you come visit and see for yourself.

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If you’re looking to change your life, look no further. At Iron Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, we provide high-quality Jiu-Jitsu education with passionate instructors, a beautiful location, and lessons that last a lifetime.

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About Us

At Iron Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, we are passionate about Jiu Jitsu. Our staff cares about the personal development of each and every one of our students and is here to guide you as you go through your martial arts journey.

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Special Offers

Here at Iron Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, your success is our first priority. Whether it’s a trial class that will kick-start your passion for martial arts or an event that will help your child come out of their shell, we’ve got you covered!

Why It's Important

Discipline Icon

The art of Jiu Jitsu is built on self-discipline. Iron Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu will help you reach your goals, teach you to work hard, and share skills that will last you a lifetime.

Self-Defense Icon

Our Jiu-Jitsu classes will help you feel strong, supported, and successful. Join and watch your confidence soar!

Family Icon

Here at Iron Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, our community is like no other. We aim to create a safe space for our students – where mistakes are welcomed, growth is guaranteed, and instructors are bound to become mentors.

Confidence Icon

Our classes will help you feel strong, supported, and successful. Join and watch your confidence soar!

Strength Icon

At Iron Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, we create resilient martial artists that are strong in mind, body, and spirit.

Lots of Fun! Icon
Lots of Fun!

Don’t get us wrong, mastering a martial art is hard. But above everything else, it’s fun! Nothing is as fulfilling as perfecting a technique or acing a sparring combination and being cheered on by your instructor and classmates.

Sign Up Today!

Complete the waiver today and everything will be ready when you come in!


Contact Us Today!

Iron Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has everything…except you! Join our community today and begin your martial arts journey!

Iron Roots Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

1903 E Cache La Poudre St, Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Get Directions

One Week Free Trial

Still not sure that Jiu Jitsu is for you? We offer everyone a free trial week to make sure that we are the right place for you!